Avrig MTB Triad – 45 KM

The 45-kilometer route has already become a classic in the list of competitions in Romania. It is a route introduced in the avrig MTB Triad program from the very beginning, in 2015. Even if it has undergone some changes over the years, the basic idea has remained the same – a beautiful and complex route…

Avrig MTB Triad – 30 KM

The 30-kilometer route is a novelty in the Avrig MTB Triad program. It is addressed to those who do not have enough physical and technical training to cover the 45-kilometer route but want to participate in an event of the caliber of the MTB Triad. The 30-kilometer route is actually the final part of the…

AVRIG MTB Triad 2020 – update

Dear lovers of mountain biking, We are following with concern the situation generated by the COVID-19 pandemic at national and global level. Following the analysis of this situation, we decided to postpone the conduct of the first stage of the MTB Triad 2020. It should have taken place in Avrig between April 30 and May…